The Hut’s Outdoor Playgroup commences on July 26th, 2023 (Term 3) and will run each Wednesday of school terms from 9:30-11:30am.
Open to all pre-schoolers and their parents/caregivers, we are offering outdoor play with activities and play spaces that cater to the needs of neurodiverse children.
With garden space, sandpit, waterplay, art/craft activities and quiet spaces, there will be a range of activities to cover balance/coordination, sensory experiences, and free play. We also have a large indoor space to use if the weather is extreme.
Inclusive practices of this playgroup will include;
- Information about facilitators and the site will be made available to families beforehand to build familiarity
- Schedules and social scripts used to ensure clear information sharing and expectations
- Visuals cues used to support communication
- Sensory activities available, sensory flexible spaces
Facilitated by Autism Support Specialist (Kate Exner).
Cost: $2 per child per session
If you would like to know more about our Outdoor Playgroup, please click the links below

Many thanks to Red Cacao Stirling for their generous donation that has made setting up this playgroup possible.