The Repair Café is a pop up event that invites people of all backgrounds to get household items repaired by volunteer repair experts for free. The Repair Café is a place for the community to come together, to recognise and share skills and to reduce unnecessary household waste. Volunteer repair experts will take the time to explain the repair process to participants, helping them to learn new skills and understand the benefits of repairing.
The Hut Community Centre has volunteer repair experts who can work with community members to repair wooden items, small machines like whipper snippers or lawn mowers, bicycles, patching of clothes and darning of woollen items. Community members should bring down their items for repair and any specific materials they might need to repair their particular item (such as matching wood or yarn). General materials will be available.
Our Repair Café is based on the worldwide Repair Café movement that has taken off with great success in creating community connection and promoting sustainability. The Repair Café ethos recognises that some items will be beyond repair and participants will be made aware of this before taking part.
Come along for a coffee, sausage sizzle, connect with others with an interest in sustainability, and get your items repaired all in one place.
A new initiative of the Repair Café is the introduction of market stalls. Stalls are $10, payable on the day. If you would like to host a market stall, click here to register your interest.
The Repair Cafe is held in the Community Shed on the second Sunday of each month, 1 Euston Road, Aldgate, between 10am & 1pm.