What is it?
Community Connections is a program offering short-term, personalised support to people who would benefit from building connections with their local community, support networks and services.
Is it for me?
To be eligible for this program, you must:
- be aged 18 to 64 years
- not already be receiving support from federal programs such as National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and My Aged Care; and
- be seeking short-term support to improve independence or to develop or maintain connections with support networks
Priority will be given to:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- people from new and emerging culturally and linguistically diverse communities
- people who identify as being from the LGBTIQA+ community
- unpaid carers
- people who are financially disadvantaged
- people living in communities of persistent or location-based disadvantage.

What do we offer?
Over a 12-week period, we will work with you to regain or optimise your independence, wellbeing, and quality of life. We will provide a flexible, person-centred service to support you to achieve your goals. This may include (but is not limited to):
- Linking with local social activities/programs/groups (Community Shed, Community Gardens, Exercise Groups, Art Classes etc)
- Assistance to connect or re-connect with friends and family
- Support with community transport options
- Introduction to our volunteer support network
- Service referrals as needed
How do I apply?
If you need help or want to know any information about this program, then click here.
This Program is a Collaboration between

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