Community members who subscribe to The Hut’s Objectives are invited to register for Hut Membership.
The Hut values your contribution and recognises that having local community involved as members is vital for The Hut to achieve its vision.
Being a member entitles you to have a voice at the Annual General Meeting. This includes having a say about who represents community on our Board to provide strategic direction and governance oversight.
Hut Membership is free. To register or renew your membership and have the opportunity to vote at our next AGM please complete the membership form below. Membership submissions are for 12 months and must be renewed annually.
Constitution – 2022
3.1 Facilitate a range of programmes, activities and services that aim to improve community and social connections and support independent living.
3.2 Strengthen community capacity through providing organisational support to aligned agencies, groups, or individuals.
3.3 Encourage and support collaborative practices across local government, business, ‘not for profit’ organisations and other community groups and the community to achieve positive benefits for the Adelaide Hills and its residents.
3.4 Utilise community strengths and expertise by facilitating opportunities for developing and transferring knowledge and skills.
3.5 To facilitate opportunities that utilise community and individuals’ strengths, skills, and interests for the benefit of the community.
3.6 Provide educational and skill development programmes.
3.7 Be a hub or focus for best practice volunteering.
3.8 To do all such other things as may be incidental to the attainment of such objects.